Outdoor Education
Outdoor Education @ NAS aims to help students develop a multitude of outdoor knowledge, skills and attitudes that enable them to explore and enjoy the natural and urban environments safely, confidently and responsibly. It will contribute towards moulding our Leaders of Character.
Structure of the programme
Outdoor Education @ NAS is tiered and segmented in order to organise relevant and appropriate learning. We use authentic settings to engage students’ senses, presenting them with opportunities for problem-solving and decision-making, both individually and in groups. Students experience real consequences of their actions and decisions that affect themselves, the environment and the people around them.
OE is incorporated into PE lessons for all students. Secondary One students will experience a residential camp while Secondary Three students partake in an adventure-based camp. The Secondary Two students will apply their learning during the OE week. The apogee experience is where a few selected Secondary Three students undertake a challenging expedition to cap the OE experience.
Mr Tan Hee Pheng
Ms Ming Fong Yee
Mr Teo Soon Ann
If you would like to learn more about this programme, please email your queries to [email protected]. Alternatively, you may call the school at 67844583 to speak to the teachers-in-charge.