Aesthetics Appreciation @ NAS
Aesthetics Appreciation @ NAS strives to work in tandem with partners to create a vibrant Arts environment so as to
• imbue aesthetic values and positive emotional expression,
• provide diverse Arts experiences,
• inspire imagination, creativity and pursuit for excellence, and
• nurture cultured citizens
Structure of the Programme
Aesthetics Appreciation @ NAS is actualised through the Aesthetics Development Framework of Exposure, Experience and Excellence.
Level 1 Exposure:
Students are exposed to a wide range of art forms and aesthetic activities which enables them to better appreciate the Arts.
Level 2 Experience:
Students participate actively through hands-on arts activities which enable them to develop aesthetic sensitivity, creativity, critical thinking and reflection.
Level 3 Excellence:
Students talented in the Arts excel in their pursuit of the Fine Arts (IP & CCA) and Performing Arts (CCA).
Tapestry is a biennial tradition that occurs every non-SYF year to celebrate the Performing Arts at NAS. It is a time when our NAS performing art groups come together to weave a colourful tapestry of the arts and culture! After months of hard work, our Performing Art Groups from the Chinese Orchestra, Choir, Concert Band, English Drama, Modern Dance, Pop and Jazz present to you Tapestry 9.
Tapestry 9 Brochure
Tapestry 9 Part 1
Tapestry 9 Part 2
Mr Ben Khor
Ms Lee Chin Li
If you would like to learn more about this programme, please email your queries to [email protected]. Alternatively, you may call the school at 67844583 to speak to the teachers-in-charge.